one not so bright and glorious, but rather gloomy and wet Saturday afternoon, three brave souls from the culinary club went down to Lau Pa Sat to participate in the record breaking world longest satay line event. These young and idealistic individuals took time off their busy schedule to participate in this SIngapore Food Festival event, and for their enthusiasm(kiasu-ism), they were rewarded with the opportunity to peng satay with hundreds of other more well, chronologically gifted individuals /staff from Kopitiam. however, they were not the least upset by the lack of similiar age group participatants for they got along fairly well with the mor mature folks. another pleasant surprise in place for our young and inspired participants is the attire. they look absolutely SMART and PROFESSIONAL in the Kopitiam aprons and paper hats and glove and are also armed with 2 tongs. They look so convincingly like the seasoned (Kopiitam) workers to the extent that a stall actually mistakingly gave them a discount when they bought food from them.

the long (dammmmmmn long) arduous wait/battle with the bad skies did not dampen the youths' enthusiasm the least bit. the skies eventually were touched by their positive spirit and did not want these bright and cheery youngsters to grow up to be old and cynical, so the skies finally cleared at 4 plus. that is we patiently waited for 2hrs+.

our patience was not in vain. cos eventually our were positioned right in front of the STAGE!(read: lotsa cameras, lotsa free publicity for cc) woah. they must have reserved these special places for us, because we represent the youthfulness and vibrancy of the Kopitiam chain.

connecting the sticks of satay...

if you look carefully enough, we are standing at the 5m mark, and the whole satay line is like 140m long! woah! like the satays are connected in one line that is 149m long without breaking!

this indian guy stole our limelight by simply wielding his pot of fiery burning charcoal around. look of envy on xin ru's and alvin's face. the 10cents ice balls we had was shioooooook! after all the peng-ing. 10cents only!

i thought the food on satay street isnt good at all and the prices are like, targeted at tourists. the satays i usually have at east coast are like x10 to the power of 6 better. i think. or maybe after inhaling all the satay smoke, the law of diminishing returns sets in all too quickly. but my gut instinct tells me not to return again. a waste of money lah. after that some of us went for some great(and free) entertainment-fireworks display. feels so good to free ride.
other-young-and-enthusiastic-indiv-who-are-not-as-enthusiastic-as-the-dumb-3-who-signed-up -for-the-event-who-went-anyway-for-any-reason-or-non-at-all, are
zhicao, kenny&keith (doesnt look quite right written like that), xinhui, shunwei and fei peng.
so, overall, this event was a successful collaboration with Kopitiam and Culinary Club.
all these would not have been possible without the help of our 3 young, bright and inspired youths.
i hereby represent our club to thank them with their utmost contributions to making the Club more recognised esp by impt players inthe F&B indy like KOPITIAM.
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